photoTomasz STARECKI

Welcome to my homepage

Created: 04 Dec 1996
Last update: 10 Nov 2010

I do not concern myself as a widely recognized person like Sting, Queen Elizabeth II or Umberto Eco, so I haven't the slightest idea what could have made you looking for my Web page. This homepage was designed just for fun. However, just in case, I provided some basic information about myself:

In the case you are one of my Polish students, you can find some may-be-valuable information here.


Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology (FEIT)
Institute of Electronics Systems (ISE)
00-665 Warsaw, Nowowiejska 15/19



Current position: professor (ISE), vice-dean of FEIT

Main fields of professional interest:

giraf If these fields are of your interest, you may have a look at some of my papers.

Brief CV:

Examples of hardware and software designs:

birds on a wire

Main hobbies: